Does Everyone Get Cataracts? Cataract Causes and Risk Factors

Family walking on the beach. The image has a blue shadow overlay with the Florida Eye Specialists logo in the top left corner.

Does Everyone Get Cataracts?

Yes, everyone develops cataracts with age. Cataracts are a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. While most people start noticing symptoms in their 60s or 70s, they can begin in your 40s and 50s or even younger, depending on other causes. By understanding the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options for cataracts, you can make better-informed decisions about your eye health.

Cataract Causes and Risk Factors

Cataracts form when proteins and fibers in the eye’s natural lens begin to break down, which causes blurry and dull vision. This breakdown typically happens as a normal part of aging as we get older. However, certain underlying conditions and risk factors can speed the process, causing cataracts to develop at younger ages.

Causes and Risk Factors of Early Onset Cataracts

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Eye injury, trauma, or previous eye surgery
  • Long-term use of steroid medications

Common Symptoms of Cataracts

“My patients often first notice difficulty driving at night,” said Dr. McGregor Lott, an ophthalmologist at Florida Eye Specialists. “They’ll say headlights from oncoming cars cause glare, or they see halos around lights.” 

Dr. Lott explained that cataracts will make it difficult to see the fine details needed for any activity, from golfing to reading the menu at a restaurant. 

“Cataracts create a blurring of an image,” he said. “But it happens so slowly that people just adapt. They don’t realize what they’re missing until they get it fixed. My cataract surgery patients often say, ‘I had no idea my vision could be so much better.’” 

Because cataracts can develop slowly, some patients ignore or dismiss the early symptoms.

But remember — you don’t have to struggle with dull, blurred vision or give up the activities you love. Don’t overlook these signs that you might have cataracts:

  • Blurry Vision
  • Seeing Double
  • Difficulty Reading Small Print
  • Difficulty Driving at Night
  • Increased Light Sensitivity
  • Seeing Halos Around Lights
  • More Frequent Lens Prescription Changes
  • Trouble With Night Driving
  • Colors Look More Faded

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, even if they aren’t present all the time, it is worth seeing an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Cataracts Treatment: Advances in Cataract Surgery

Your eye doctor will diagnose cataracts during a regular eye exam. In some cases, cataracts may be small enough that they don’t require immediate treatment, but your eye doctor will want to monitor them closely to ensure they don’t expand and begin to impact your vision more seriously.

Once cataracts begin to interfere with your daily life, it’s time to have them removed. The only treatment is cataract surgery, a standard and safe outpatient procedure. Dr. Rajesh Shetty, an ophthalmologist and CEO of Florida Eye Specialists, explained that patients can undergo cataract surgery much earlier today than they once did.

“Thanks to today’s advanced technology, cataract surgery is safer and provides better outcomes than ever, so patients don’t have to live with impaired vision,” he said.

According to Dr. Shetty, younger cataract surgery patients tend to heal more quickly, resume normal activity more rapidly, and enjoy better vision results. 

Customize Your Vision With the Light Adjustable Lens

Not only is cataract surgery safer than ever, there are many more options to improve your sight. One of the newest is the Light Adjustable Lens, the first cataract lens implant that can be customized to your lifestyle after surgery. This technology allows patients to test-drive their vision and make changes as needed.

One of our recent patients, PGA Tour Champion Mark McCumber, said he is thrilled with his results. “My improved vision has restored my quality of life. Before surgery, I couldn’t even attach a lure to my grandkids’ fishing lines. Now, I can take them fishing, watch them cast their lines, and see all the little details of the lake, blades of grass, and the leaves on the trees,” he said. “I would highly recommend this procedure.”

Take Advantage of Advanced Laser Technology

Another advanced option for cataract surgery utilizes laser technology. Our experienced eye surgeons use the most advanced femtosecond LenSx laser available, resulting in a safer, gentler, and more precise procedure. It can even correct astigmatism.

Schedule Your Consultation With a Cataract Specialist

Schedule an appointment with a board-certified ophthalmologist at Florida Eye Specialists today to begin your cataract removal journey. Our ophthalmologists have years of training through medical school, residency, fellowship, and post-fellowship work. Many of them also spent years as professors and surgeons at Mayo Clinic before joining our team. They look forward to providing you with excellence in eye care.