Excellence in Eye Care


Young Woman Pointing at Her Eye | Florida Eye Specialists

Why Millennials Should Invest in LASIK Surgery

If you were born between 1980 and 2000, you have likely been called a “millennial” in your lifetime, and are a part of a group widely known for seeing and experiencing the world a bit differently than your predecessors. Planning for the future and allocating priorities is a whole new game today; when it comes

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Young Woman Pointing at Her Eye | Florida Eye Specialists

The Convenience of Cataract Surgery Without Eye Drops

Thousands of people each year have cataract surgery to correct a clouding of the lens inside the eye. Cataract surgery without eye drops is an approved change to the traditional procedure that passed in 2015, that can help patients avoid the inconvenience of using eye drops after their operations. Ophthalmologist Michael Kelly said many people

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