Excellence in Eye Care

uv rays

A sunscreen bottle is sitting in the sand at a beach. A pair of sunglasses has been placed on top of the bottle

How Does Ultraviolet Light Damage Your Eyes?

 When it comes to the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, your eyes are just as important to protect as your skin. The sun can have damaging effects on your eyes and can cause problems such as: Macular degeneration: This results from retina damage affecting your central vision. In the U.S., macular degeneration is the

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July Is UV Safety Month | Florida Eye Specialists

July Is UV Safety Month

July has been designated as National Ultraviolet Safety Month, and there’s no better time to talk about UV safety than when the weather starts to heat up and the sun stays out all day. UV safety includes protecting your eyes because many people are unaware that extended exposure to UV radiation can cause long-term eye

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